Monday, 21 March 2016

Golden Triangle 2016

Know I've waxed a bit lyrical about the daffs this year but the conditions have been just right and the gardens and wood around Gloucester are carpeted in gold. Wild daffodils flower from February to early April in the UK and are blooming in the woods, meadows, hedgerows, gardens and some churchyards. In north Gloucestershire/South Herefordshire, many of the sites have been joined together by the creation of a circular walk called the Daffodil Way.

The Daffodil Weekend


Oxenhall is a small village situated in the north of the district, renowned for its wild daffodils.  Every year Oxenhall is host to its annual Daffodil Weekend in March, taking in amazing woodland walks. The Dymock Woods site comprises Dymock Wood, Daw's coppice, Betty Daw's Wood and Colonel's Grove.

Betty Daw's Wood is a large ancient woodland best known for its spectacular show of wild daffodils but it also contains a wealth of other plants and animals such as the wild service tree, small-leaved lime and rare wood white butterfly.


The village, apart from the Daffodil Way, is probably best known for the Kempley Tardis, a redundant telephone box, containing local information and walking maps of the area (one house in the village has a real Tardis!) 

St Mary's Church, Kempley has in its chancel "the most complete set of Romanesque frescos in northern Europe", some created as early as 1120. On the walls of the nave are further images, including a wheel of life, showing the life cycle of man. These are worked in tempera painted on dry lime mortar, unlike those in the chancel which are true frescoes. The Church has the oldest roof of any building in Britain, dating from 1120-1150 and has an unusually well-preserved interior.

The Church of St Edward built in 1903 was described by Betjeman as "a mini-cathedral of the Arts and Crafts movement", built from local materials and local labour. The church was planned by the Lord of the Manor and major landowner, William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp, because St Mary's was too far away from the main centres of population in the parish at Kempley Green and Fishpool, and liable to flooding. The walls of the church are in Forest of Dean red sandstone.

time for a well earned rest
before ending where we began the daffodil way, at Dymock. As last year we shared tea and cake with the owners of vintage Morgan V-twins.

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