Tuesday 26 May 2015

A Dr Who of a Day

Bank Holiday Monday was the last part of Marilyns birthday pressie from last year - the Dr Who concert in Cardiff - where we met this little fella in the Castle Park:

The lengthy queues to get in testament to its enduring popularity - and the show didn't disappoint.

The music, provided by the BBC Orchestra and Chorus of Wales, the exceptional soloist Elin Manham Thomas (with the voice of an Ood) the lighting and staging were all exceptional. The show just flew by.

They reprised all of the Doctors 

and their time travelling friends 

on three mega screens and many of the aliens came to life on stage and around the auditorium. 

The show was presented by Peter Davison (doesn't look like this any more :) - the 5th Doctor - 

but the volume from the audience showed David Tennant to be the most popular incarnation.

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